赵宸 Chen Zhao


赵宸,南京医科大学教授、博导,江苏省人民医院肿瘤科兼聘教授;荣获2023年度“江苏青年五四奖章”,入选中国科协青年人才托举工程,江苏特聘医学专家,江苏卫生创新团队。本科毕业于华盛顿圣路易斯大学,博士毕业于约翰霍普金斯医学院生物医学工程系,主要开发疾病-药物研究与临床试验中的QSP/定量系统药理建模技术,师从该领域国际领军人物Aleksander Popel教授。

近年来在疾病-药物转化建模方向发表高水平论文20余篇,其创新成果获国际同行高度评价,参编专著三部,主持国家自然科学基金、美国心脏协会基金、多个药物研发QSP合作项目等,并作为骨干/子课题负责人参与承担NIH R01、国家药监总局揭榜挂帅项目和省市级重大课题等共近20项。担任《Current Opinion in Pharmacology》,《Current Research in Pharmacology and Drug Discovery》,《中国药学杂志》,《药学进展》等多个期刊编委,参与编写CDE指导原则。


Dr. Chen Zhao is currently a Professor at Nanjing Medical University, School of Pharmacy. He obtained his PhD in Biomedical Engineering from Johns Hopkins School of Medicine (advised by Dr. Aleksander Popel). Dr. Zhao’s research interests include quantitative systems pharmacology and systems biology type modeling and simulation with applications in model-informed drug discovery and development. He serves on the editorial board of several international journals, including Current Opinion in Pharmacology, Current Research in Pharmacology and Drug Discovery, Frontiers in Systems Biology. 



Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, MS & PhD (Biomedical Engineering)

Washington University in St. Louis, BS (Biomedical Engineering)




研究方向简介:机理性定量系统药理学/系统生物学的核心强调通过建立和分析数学模型,从而系统性和机理性地描述、模拟、研究和预测人类重大疾病中的复杂多层面生理病理过程。其中,机理性定量系统药理学(Quantitative Systems Pharmacology)这一概念在2011年被正式提出,其核心为借鉴经典系统生物学数学建模理念对普遍极简的药理学建模方法进行革新,尤其是在疾病的转化建模研究过程中,引入多层面的疾病发生、进展和药物作用机理并运用虚拟临床试验等方法加速针对重大疾病的药物开发和临床研究。基于以上创新方法的疾病数学模型平台在当下欧美顶尖药企和学术机构的前沿新药开发和转化研究中具有广泛且重要的应用价值和场景。


联系方式zcshinchon4677@outlook.com chenzhao22@njmu.edu.cn



1. Zhou Y, Chu J, Zhao S, Li G, Fu Z, Zhang S, Gao X, Ma W, Shen K, Gao Y, Li W, Yin Y*, Zhao C*. (2024). Quantitative systems pharmacology modeling of HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer for translational efficacy evaluation and combination assessment across therapeutic modalities. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica, online ahead of print.

2. Zhang Y*, Qiang Y, Li H, Li G, Lu L, Dao M, Karniadakis GE, Popel AS*, Zhao C*. (2024). Signaling-biophysical modeling unravels mechanistic control of red blood cell phagocytosis by macrophages in sickle cell disease, PNAS Nexus, 3(2), pgae031.


4.Zhao C*, Heuslein JL, Zhang Y, Annex BH, Popel AS. (2022). Dynamic multi-scale regulation of perfusion recovery in experimental peripheral arterial disease: a mechanistic computational model. JACC: Basic to Translational Science, 7(1), 28–50.

5. Wu P, Zhang H, Sun M, Mao S, He Q, Shi Y, Deng Y, Dong Z, Xu Q*, Zhao C*, Zhang W*, Sun B*. (2022). Manipulating Offense and Defense Signaling to Fight Cold Tumors with Carrier-Free Nanoassembly of Fluorinated Prodrug and siRNA. Advanced Materials, Sep;34(38):e2203019.

6. Wang H*, Zhao C, Santa-Maria CA, Emens LA, Popel AS. (2022) Dynamics of tumor-associated macrophages in a quantitative systems pharmacology model of immunotherapy in triple-negative breast cancer. iScience. 25(8):104702.

7. Zhang Y, Wang H, Oliveira RH, Zhao C*, Popel AS. (2022). Systems Biology of Angiogenesis Signaling: Computational Models and Omics. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews Mechanisms of Disease, 14(4), e1550.

8. Zhao C*, Medeiros TX, Sove RJ, Annex BH, Popel AS. (2021). A data-driven computational model enables integrative and mechanistic characterization of dynamic macrophage polarization. iScience, 24(2), 102112.

9. Sove RJ*, Jafarnejad M, Zhao C, Wang H, Ma H, Popel AS. (2020). QSP-IO: A quantitative systems pharmacology toolbox for mechanistic multi-scale modeling for immuno-oncology applications. CPT:Pharmacometrics & Systems Pharmacology, 9(9), 484–497.

10. Zhao C*, Mirando AC, Sove RJ, Medeiros TX, Annex BH, Popel AS. (2019). A mechanistic integrative computational model of macrophage polarization: Implications in human pathophysiology. PLoS Computational Biology, 15(11), e1007468.