Quantitative clinical pharmacology is closely related to clinical research, and it is a cross-disciplinary research area that utilizes modeling and simulation techniques to quantify information of pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, body functions, disease mechanisms, and trial processes. Quantitative clinical pharmacology integrates quantitative analysis and decision-making through modeling and simulation for the whole life cycle of drug development, including preclinical research, clinical trial, regulatory review and decision-making, post-marketing evaluation, and personalized medicine. After more than two decades of development, it has become an indispensable and important tool in the development of innovative new drugs (model-informed drug development) and the practice of personalized medicine nowadays.


The Department of Quantitative Clinical Pharmacology at Nanjing Medical University focuses on the teaching and research of basic theory and methodology of quantitative pharmacology, the application of quantitative pharmacology in new drug research and development, in clinical trial design and clinical precision medication, as well as the in the regulatory review and post-marketing research.