

代文龙,江苏省特聘教授,博士生导师,南京医科大学国家疫苗创新平台,载体策略与疫苗学课题组负责人。2010年本科毕业于中国药科大学,2019年在中国科学院上海巴斯德研究所获得微生物学博士学位,从事肠道病毒疫苗和治疗性单抗的开发、以及单抗中和作用机制研究。2019年至2021年先后在美国哈佛大学医学院基因治疗中心(2019-2023),和耶鲁大学系统生物学研究所(2021-2023),从事病毒载体疫苗与免疫学博士后研究,开展基于腺相关病毒(AAV)、腺病毒(AdV)等载体的病毒疫苗和肿瘤疫苗研究工作。2023年8月作为高层次引进人才,以教授、博士生导师身份全职加入南京医科大学药学院,现任南京医科大学泰州医药产业研究院副院长。目前已在Cell Host & Microbe、Nature Communications、Molecular Therapy、Emerging Microbes & Infection、Journal of Virology等国际学术期刊上发表多篇论文。代表性成果有,全球首个AAV载体新冠疫苗开发、肠道病毒病毒样颗粒疫苗和中和性单克隆抗体的开发。其创新性研究成果,兼具理论创新意义和产业开发前景,已经完成中试产业化研究,实现专利转化。


1. 基于细小病毒科疫苗载体的开发:开发AAV,Bocavirus等细小病毒科(Parvoviridae)的病毒性疫苗载体,对病毒载体衣壳蛋白进行工程化改造,提升载体的特异性和感染效率,获得新型高效的疫苗载体;

2. 非病毒性疫苗载体平台的开发:通过开发合成新型脂质体材料、mRNA体外转录酶系统的改造等核心关键技术,建立新型的具有自主知识产权的非病毒性疫苗载体平台;

3. 建立佐剂筛选报告细胞系,筛选载体疫苗核酸类佐剂,并完成小鼠模型上的佐剂活性验证;

4. 基于植物病毒、噬菌体等非人源病毒,开发全新的人用或兽用病毒性疫苗载体。





Dr. Wenlong Dai majored in microbiology and received his Ph.D degree in Institut Pasteur of Shanghai, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2019. During his Ph.D education, he developed virus like particle (VLP) vaccines and monoclonal antibodies cocktail therapy towards enterovirus infections. Then he moved abroad to Harvard Medical School and Yale for his postdoctoral research in recombinant AAV vector development and rational design. During the COVID-19 pandemic, he developed the world first AAV-vectored COVID-19 vaccine. And he also modified AAV and other recombinant virus capsids to broaden virus vector usage in immune therapy. Now with his well-equipped virus vector expertise, he joined National Vaccine Innovation Platform, Nanjing Medical University as a PI for the Vector Strategies and Vaccinology. He focuses on the following directions:

1. To develop Parvoviridae vaccine vectors, such as AAV and Bocavirus, as well as to engineer virus capsid protein and re-target vectors to antigen presenting cells (APC).

2. To develop novel non-viral nanoparticles as mRNA vaccine vectors.

3. To screen adjuvant, especially oligonucleotides, which could improve virus vector vaccine efficiency.

4. To make non-human viruses, such as plant viruses and phages, into novel viral vaccine vectors for humans or animals use.

